The cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1
The cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1

the cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1

But I actually got beat up a little bit in both movies. I’m super jealous of my CGI wolf, although he is pretty cute and fluffy. Taylor Lautner: I’m usually a wolf in those scenes.

the cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1

J-14: Taylor, what’s it like to rehearse the fight scenes? But I didn’t have any experiences to draw from. This story feels the most real in terms of what can happen to you in your life.

the cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1 the cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1

Kristen Stewart: What experiences? Hah! I’ve been asked recently what it’s like to play such a far-fetched story. What experiences did you pull from to have that moment? J-14: Kristen, being pregnant is such a life-changing experience. I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll force myself to not talk. It was so interesting, I had no idea how it was going to look visually. When I read it in the book, it was a lot to take in. Taylor Lautner: I’m going to be boring and go back to the birth scene. J-14: There’s a lot of excitement for Breaking Dawn, but what scene are you excited to reveal to the fans in Part 2? It was nice to play someone who’s totally annihilated by the entire situation. Every single time, Bella comes to save him. Normally when that happens in the other movies, Bella comes in to save the day. He’s tried to help Bella, but there’s nothing he can do. I never got to play Edward in a way…literally he’s so aware of his own helplessness. It was different to anything I’ve done before. J-14: Rob, what was your favorite scene to film? Especially when we both have them in there, we can’t see each other. The contacts suck, because you cannot see anything. But it helps, too, because you’re so much more aware of your movements. Was Rob’s much-reported whining justified or was he being a big baby? J-14: Kristen, after all these years you got to experience vampire make up. And that’s after a moment of sheer exuberance. In Part 2 I get to play with the venom running through my veins. It was always in my head that she’s able to fight harder than any human would really be able to…because it’s in her…literally. In the book she’s literally choking on blood. I think we did try to go as hardcore as we could. Kristen Stewart: I thought it was so cool. J-14: What was your initial reaction to reading the Renesmee birth scene? But I’m really excited for you to see that as well. He’s completely different than Jacob, which is a weird change, because I’ve lived Jacob for so long now. I love Jacob and this franchise has given me an incredible opportunity to do what I want to do and that’s challenge myself more. What I like about acting is that I can challenge myself to many different things. Taylor Lautner: I’ve always been a fan of action movies, but it’s not all I want to do. J-14: Taylor, you take on roles that require martial arts. it’s almost impossible to find another way of living in it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be an actor at the time. I didn’t know what I was doing when I was playing Cedric. Robert Pattison: They were both really really fun. J-14: Rob, did you have more fun playing Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter or Edward? If that means separating from his own pack brothers, he’s willing to do that and he does. He’s forced to mature and become his own man. He handles it how Jacob would usually handle it. Taylor Lautner: It’s difficult, because Jacob at the beginning of the film is the Jacob you’ve always seen before. Is this a new experience a new kind of freedom for him? J-14: Jacob has a larger roll in Breaking Dawn, and breaks away from his old pack. It was kind of like a honeymoon in England. Beautiful, warm, everything you’d expect, but then, suddenly, the remainder of the shoot it was raining…hurricane storms. It was really amazing the day we got there. J-14: Rob, Edward, and Bella go on a honeymoon. I ended up being much more relaxed than I thought I was going to be. I had to go get locked away in a room for the rest of the day because I was locked into my dress and had to protect it. When I got to set…it was just so beautiful. When I got to set, I was just as nervous and terrified as I expected myself to be. They also put it at the end of the entire filming…so had to wait so long for it to happen. Kristen Stewart: I’d been ramping up to shoot that scene for four years. J-14: Kristen, what was it like to shoot the wedding? So I quickly “imprinted” on the material. It’s such a lucky thing for the director because amazing things happen. J-14: Bill, how did you come to direct the Breaking Dawn films?īill Condon: The very nice folks at Summit…they sent me the novel.

The cast of twilight breaking dawn part 1